MYP MAP Testing Schedule

MYP MAP Testing Schedule

The MAP exams for MYP Students will take place from 1-11 June. These tests measure the student’s mastery and growth throughout the school year.  The testing data is vital for teachers because it indicates the areas of strength and identifies the areas that need improvement for each student.  Teachers can use this information to help guide their instruction in the classroom.

At ASB, the testing data is also used alongside the student performance to determine the best enrollment for MYP Subjects, especially Mathematics, English Language and Literature, and English Language Acquisition. For students entering MYP 4, it will also determine which elective courses they will be eligible to take during the academic year 2021-2022.

What can parents do to support their students during this week? Here is a brief article from the Edmentum blog titled 8 Tips to Help Your Child Prepare for High-Stakes Tests,” published on Wednesday, 17 March 2021. This article will help you support your child through this phase.

MYP Testing Schedule

MYP 3 Students
Tuesday, 1 June: 

0830 -1000: Science

1150 -1300: English

Wednesday, 2 June: 

1150 -1300: Mathematics

Thursday, 3 June: 

0830 -1000: Spanish

Friday, 4 June

1000 – 1045: English Reading

MYP 1 and MYP 2 Students
Tuesday, 8 June

0915-1045: MYP 1 Mathematics

1400-1530: MYP 1 Science

Wednesday, 9 June

1000 -1130: MYP 2 Science

1400-1530: MYP 1 Spanish

Thursday, 10 June

0830 -1000: MYP 2 English

1000 -1130: MYP 3 Mathematics

Friday. 11 June

0830-1000: MYP 2 Spanish

0830-1000: MYP 1 English

1000-1130: MYP 2 English Reading

1000-1130: MYP 1 English Reading