MYP 3 Community Project: Plentzia River Cleanup

MYP 3 Community Project: Plentzia River Cleanup

Hello, I am Diego Ochoa, an MYP3 student. I am working on my community project, Beach cleaning (well in my case, river cleaning). My goal here is to raise awareness of how important oceans are. I have to try to achieve this goal because the oceans are getting destroyed with trash, where every year there is an additional 8 million metric tons of trash, and this is extremely harmful for the environment and the algae that produces oxygen. If you want to come, this clean up will be the 10th of March, Thursday at 6:30 P.M. We will gather up at the bridge crossing la ria and then we will search for an area that is dirty and accessible.
For more information, you can watch this video and complete this Google Form to sign up if you are interested in participating.