MYP 3 Community Project: Plantation of an Indigenous Forest in Leioa
Join Us and Make a Difference in your Community!
As a student from MYP 3 doing the Community Project, I am working on improving the forests and their ecosystems within the Basque Country through a process called ecological restoration. Ecological restoration works on recovering the ecosystem that has been degraded due to human activities by meeting its needs in order to bring it back to its original state. In this case, I am working with Lurgaia Organization with the goal of increasing the biodiversity and amount of forests in the Basque Country. Nowadays, restoration is seen as a duty of the government, nevertheless, we, as citizens living in the Basque Country, are encouraged to help with the purpose of improving the well-being of many living things within it. To do that, Lurgaia Organization has invited anyone of you, including parents, to join us next Saturday 19th of March in Leioa from 9:30 to 13:00 in the morning. We will be planting a new indigenous forest to promote diversity with the help of Legaia. In case you are willing to join us, make sure to fill in the form in English or Spanish. The rest of the information needed about the exact location and things required will be specified on gmail sent next Monday 14th of March for the people that fill in the form.