International Day of Mathematics

International Day of Mathematics

Click on the link below to participate.  Deadline March 1, 2022 Submit your photos directly on the website and send your photo (with the following information name, grade, description) to so we can include it in the ASB yearbook.


The theme for the 2022 International Day of Mathematics is Mathematics Unites. Let’s connect through this year’s challenge: photos with mathematics!

Take a picture of yourself (you can team up with your class, friends, family, pets, neighbors) with a mathematical thing:

  • A mathematical object you built,
  • … or drew,
  • … or formed using people’s bodies.
  • Or maybe there’s a very mathematical building or bridge in your city,
  • … or a statue of a famous mathematician.
  • Mathematics is everywhere, but sometimes it’s hiding, so you can also reveal it in some way.

We’d also love to see where you live, so use the chance to show us your city, town, village, landscape, school, or workplace!

You can send us your photos until March 1, 2022. We’ll share the best ones we receive in a gallery. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for future announcements.

Everyone can participate. Share the challenge in your school or university. Team up!
