Field Trip to France MYP 2

Field Trip to France MYP 2

Good afternoon everyone, 

On the 16th of September the class of MYP 2 got the opportunity to visit France with Ms.Olatz and Mr.Laurent.It was a great experience and we had so much fun. The idea of this trip was to learn the French Basque history and culture and to practice both languages. First of all, we went to the Museum of Bayonne and learned so much about the culture of the French Basque country and the history of the town of Bayonne. Our guide talked to us in French and Spanish so that we could put into practice our French skills we had learned last year and the beginning of this year. Ms. Olatz explained some of the things the guide was saying in Basque. After the tour through the Museum we went to Saint Jean de Luz. We had to complete a Treasure Hunt in French and Basque and we were separated into groups and had half an hour to complete it and discover all the parts of the town. On the trip we also saw Raphael, an ex classmate. We also had some free time where we could buy some souvenirs or sweets. It was a truly great experience and we had a lot of fun!! 

Happy Weekend,

Ainara Ampudia and Cristina Alonso