ASB Solidarity Challenge

ASB Solidarity Challenge

PTO News

Dear Community

This academic year that continues to be so different, the PTO looks for ways to be present and continue to contribute and unite our community from afar.

Often instill solidarity in our children in ASB and now the PTO wants to encourage the entire Community to participate in our “ASB Solidarity Challenge”. We believe in the importance of sharing and contributing to the Society, which is why the PTO this year has chosen to collaborate with two associations created by Biscay people and with which to demonstrate our solidarity.

For this, each of us, alone, as a couple, family or with the class will have to choose to find a CHALLENGE, record it and share it.

“CHALLENGE = objective or difficult action to carry out that supposes a stimulus and a challenge.”

The PTO will donate 750 euros to each selected association.

The first one for Sunu Buga Buga will be a direct contribution and they will use it, for whatever they need, they work in a small community in the Gambia , Africa in a School that they have built from scratch to which more than 150 children already attend, also helping them with  health and nutrition; And now they have considered creating an Activities or Vocational Training Center, for this, they are asking the Basque Government for help and surely our contribution will come in handy.

This is their website:

The other contribution will be for ALS research through the Dale Candela association, this is an association created through some friends who saw how one of them suffered from the disease, this time the donation will be through the purchase of 30 T-shirts that will be raffled among the participants. They are very cool with western drawings drawn by the affected person. For what you are interested in knowing her, this is her website:

Also, there will be a raffle among participants an ASB cup or bottle while supplies last.

For your interest, you have more information here and these are some examples of challenges:

  • Bottle flip
  • Recite a 30 second poem
  • Tell a joke
  • Shoot 10 basketball shots
  • Share a magic trick
  • Keep the football in the air
  • Make a salad
  • Jump rope
  • Push ups
  • 30 second plank
  • Make up your own

We wish you the best and look forward to your challenges. I encourage everyone to participate ASB!!!

Best regards