Teaching and Learning in IB Programs
PYP The Primary Years Program (PYP) ensures that learning is engaging, relevant, challenging, and meaningful. These aspects of learning, which are based on an authentic and integrated assessment, are encompassed in a transdisciplinary and conceptual inquiry approach. Link to video: MYP: The MYP aims to develop young people who take an active role in their [...]
ASB MUN Returns to the Debates!
At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, our MUN Team was not able to participate in the St. Andrews MUN Conference in Dublin because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was a disappointment for all of us because this is the most challenging Conference in the European MUN Conference circuit and we were prepared to [...]
What is an IB education? The International Baccalaureate is an international organization which promotes an educational philosophy that aims to empower young people with the values, knowledge and skills to create a better and more peaceful world. All schools that belong to the IBO (IB Organization) belong to an educational community that collaborates to develop [...]
MYP Update
The American School of Bilbao has adopted the International Baccalaureate Curriculum Framework to underpin our academic programs. We are authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. The Middle School has arrived at a crucial stage for the validation of our Middle Years Programme. With the Verification Visit, ASB is one step [...]
(Español) Medidas anti-COVID-19: Purificadores
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(Español) Comunicación Newsletter Plan de Marketing
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