Trunk or Treat
On Halloween the PTO organized the annual “Trunk or Treat” with our primary school students. Here are some of the pictures taken on this wonderful day:
IB Diploma Programme Results 2022: 100% PASS RATE!
It is with great pleasure that we inform the ASB community that the class of 2022 has successfully met the requirements to be awarded an IB Diploma at the May 2022 session and achieve a class average of 34.2 points; once again an average above world average. We want to thank the teachers, ASB staff and […]
DECA 2022, Atlanta, Georgia
Art Exhibition Mr. Colin Hoisington
Dear Parents, Our art teacher, Mr. Colin Hoisington has signed with a new gallery and had his premiere last night. Many parents and students showed up to give their support and enjoy the beautiful artwork. The exhibition will be on display for 3 weeks. If you are interested in going to the gallery BASE Galería. […]
KNAFF – Pop Up Store
Stop by this Saturday to support our CAS students… On Saturday February 12th, two students from grade 11 will set up a Pop-Up in Bilbao to sell their solidary sweatshirts and t-shirts. Mariana Atucha and Adriana Ceniga created a clothing brand called KNAFF that donates all their profits to an association called Gaude. Gaude is […]