
The American School of Bilbao is a civil nonprofit association. Governing bodies of the Association are formed by:

The General Assembly

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall governance of the school. It is structured to help to define the long-term goals and inspires its performance in the principles developed by ECIS and NEASC accrediting agencies, set out in Article 15 of the Policy Manual

The Board of trustees consists of nine members. All positions are unpaid, and it will have the authority and legal responsibility for the school. It will govern its self in accordance with the norms set out in article 18 of the Policy Manual.

They represent in a balanced way the existing educational levels as well as the different professional profiles that could help to better governance of this body.


  • Iñigo Martínez de Azagra de Miota Presidente
  • Alejandro Ormazabal EchevarríaVicepresidente
  • Juan Manuel Vallejo Montero – Tesorero
  • Zuriñe Castillo Monasterio – Secretario
  • Carlos Flores Mazas – Vocal
  • María González CaviaVocal
  • María González Gómez – Vocal
  • Federico PiccardiVocal
  • David Cajal Sáenz de Buruaga Vocal


For efficiency, the Board divides itself into the committees needed for the proper functioning of the school. At this point the following ones are operative:

  • Executive Committee
  • Financial Committee
  • Education Committee and IB
  • EFL and Marketing Committee
  • Infrastructure, Security and Health