Join us next Friday and Saturday and collaborate with the “Banco de Alimentos de Bizkaia” Yes we CAS!
For the Great Food Drive 2021, Food Banks need volunteers to collaborate in informational tasks and call for participation in supermarkets, stores and other establishments.
The American School of Bilbao has been collaborating for years with the Bizkaia Food Bank (BAB) by collecting food and encouraging the participation of both students and teachers and families in the General Food Collection organized in different supermarkets in Bizkaia . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to ensure the safety of donors and volunteers, a new way of donating has been enabled in supermarket checkouts different from the traditional physical collection of food. That is why maximum citizen collaboration is needed to make a successful Big Collection.
This event will be held in supermarkets on November 19 and 20, and we invite you to participate as volunteers. This year they have given our center the opportunity to participate as active volunteers in three BM supermarkets in Las Arenas (Negubide and Ibaigane) and Aiboa (Avenida de Los Chopos). Diploma students (motivated by the CAS subject) and several teachers have already signed up to contribute their bit in this brilliant initiative.
We encourage you to sign up through this link in the spaces available with your children, friends or family, since this type of action marks our students for life and without a doubt it is an example for our learning community.
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact nerea.zulaica@asob.es
Share your pictures in social media #asbCAS #asbcaring #asbservice #asbfoodbank